Monday, July 22, 2024

Program 7 BCA Madras University BCA Object Oriented Programming using C++ Practical Madras University Program 7 Design a class called cString to represent a string data type. Create a data member in the class to represent a string using an array of size 100. Write the following functionality as member functions: a. Copy Constructor b. Concatenate two strings c. Find the length of the string d. Reversing a string e. Comparing two strings



Object Oriented Programming using C++ Practical

Madras University 

Program 7

Design a class called cString to represent a string data type. Create a data member in the class to represent a string using an array of size 100. 
Write the following functionality as member functions: 
a. Copy Constructor
 b. Concatenate two strings 
c. Find the length of the string 
d. Reversing a string
 e. Comparing two strings 

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

class cString {
    char str[100];  // Array to hold the string, fixed size of 100

    // Default Constructor
    cString() {
        str[0] = '\0';  // Initialize with empty string

    // Parameterized Constructor
    cString(const char* s) {
        strncpy(str, s, 99);
        str[99] = '\0';  // Ensure null termination

    // Copy Constructor
    cString(const cString& other) {
        strncpy(str, other.str, 99);
        str[99] = '\0';  // Ensure null termination

    // Function to concatenate two strings
    void concatenate(const cString& other) {
        strncat(str, other.str, 99 - strlen(str));  // Append with max size consideration
        str[99] = '\0';  // Ensure null termination

    // Function to find the length of the string
    int length() const {
        return strlen(str);

    // Function to reverse the string
    void reverse() {
        int len = strlen(str);
        for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; ++i) {
            swap(str[i], str[len - 1 - i]);

    // Function to compare two strings
    bool compare(const cString& other) const {
        return strcmp(str, other.str) == 0;

    // Function to print the string
    void print() const {
        cout << str << std::endl;
    // Function to read string from user
    void readFromUser() {
        cout << "Enter a string (max 99 characters): ";
        cin.getline(str, 100);

int main() {
    cString s1,s2;
    // Read strings from user

    // Using Copy Constructor
    cString s3 = s1;

    // Concatenate strings

    // Print strings
    cout << "s1: ";
    cout << "s2: ";
    cout << "s3: ";

    // Find length of s1
    cout << "Length of s1: " << s1.length() << endl;
    // Find length of s2
    cout << "Length of s2: " << s2.length() << endl;

    // Reverse s1
    cout << "Reversed s1: ";
    // Reverse s2
    cout << "Reversed s2: ";

    // Compare s1 and s3
    cout << "s1 and s3 are " << ( ? "equal" : "not equal") << endl;

    return 0;

Enter a string (max 99 characters): hello
Enter a string (max 99 characters): world
s1: helloworld
s2: world
s3: hello
Length of s1: 10
Length of s2: 5
Reversed s1: dlrowolleh
Reversed s2: dlrow
s1 and s3 are not equal


  1. Data Member: The class cString has a private data member str which is a character array of size 100 to hold the string.

  2. Constructors:

    • Default Constructor initializes str with an empty string.
    • Parameterized Constructor initializes str with the given C-style string.
    • Copy Constructor copies the string from another cString object.
  3. Concatenate Function: The concatenate function appends the string from another cString object to the current string. It uses strncat to ensure that the array size limit is respected.

  4. Length Function: The length function returns the length of the string using strlen.

  5. Reverse Function: The reverse function reverses the string by swapping characters from the start and end moving towards the center.

  6. Compare Function: The compare function compares the string with another cString object using strcmp and returns true if they are equal.

  7. Print Function: The print function prints the string to the standard output.

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