Thursday, March 7, 2024

Program 7 B.Sc Computer Science with Data analytics Linux and Shell Programming - Lab Bharathiar University - Write a Shell script to print the first n Fibonacci numbers


B.Sc Computer Science  with Data analytics

Linux and Shell Programming - Lab  

Bharathiar University 

Program 7- Write a Shell script to print the first n Fibonacci numbers

Source Code

# Function to print the first n Fibonacci numbers
print_fibonacci() {

    # Initialize variables for the first two Fibonacci numbers

    # Print the first two Fibonacci numbers
    echo "The first $n Fibonacci numbers are:"
    echo "$num1"
    echo "$num2"

    # Calculate and print the remaining Fibonacci numbers
    while [ $count -lt $(($n - 2)) ]; do
        next=$((num1 + num2))
        echo "$next"
        count=$((count + 1))

# Main program starts here
# Prompt the user to enter the number
    echo "Enter the a number of fibonacci series to print: "
    read n

# Check if n is a positive integer
if  [[ "$n" -lt 1 ]]; then
    echo "Error: Please provide a positive integer."
    exit 1

# Print the first n Fibonacci numbers
print_fibonacci $n

Sample Output:

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