Monday, December 11, 2023

Program 5- List and operators R Programming Lab - Bsc CS DA and BSC ML And AI -Bharathiar University -


B.Sc Computer Science  

R Programming - Lab  

Bharathiar University 

Program 5

List and Operators

Program 5- Write a R program to perform various operations on lists


# R program for lists

# Create a list 

rollno <- c(10,11,12)

name <- c("ram","rocky","raj")

marks <- c(98,99,80)

rank <- c('B','A','C')

student <- list(rollno, name, marks, rank)

# Print the original list

print("Original List:")


# naming the original list

print("Original List with names:")

names(student) <- c("Roll number", "Name", "Marks", "Rank")


# Accessing elements in the list

print("Accessing third element:")


# Accessing fourth element with name in the list

print("Accessing fourth element with name:")


# Adding an element to the list  

print("Adding an element:")

student[5] <- "Bsc IT"


# updating an element to the list  

print("updating last element:")

student[5] <- "Bsc CS"


# Calculating the length of the list

print("Length of the list:")

student_length <- length(student)


# Removing an element from the list

print("Removing an element:")

student <- student[-5]  # Remove the fifth element


Sample Output:

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