Bharathiar University lab Programs for BCA Bsc CS IT CT DA ML AI
C++ lab programs
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Programming in C++ Lab
S.No |
number |
1 |
a C++ Program to create a class to implement the data structure STACK. Write
a constructor to initialize the TOP of the STACK. Write a member function
PUSH() to insert an element and member function POP() to delete an element
check for overflow and underflow conditions.. |
3 |
2 |
a C++ Program to create a class ARITHMETIC which consists of a FLOAT and an
INTEGER variable. Write member functions ADD (), SUB(), MUL(), DIV() to
perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division respectively. Write a
member function to get and display values |
10 |
3 |
Write a C++ Program to read an integer number and find the sum of all the digits
until it reduces to a single digit using constructors, destructors and inline
member functions |
15 |
4 |
a C++ Program to create a class FLOAT that contains one float data member.
Overload all the four Arithmetic operators so that they operate on the object
19 |
5 |
a C++ Program to create a class STRING. Write a Member Function to
initialize, get and display stings. Overload the operators ++ and == to
concatenate two Strings and to compare two strings respectively. |
23 |
6 |
a C++ Program to create class, which consists of EMPLOYEE Detail like
E_Number, E_Name, Department, Basic, Salary, Grade. Write a member function
to get and display them. Derive a class PAY from the above class and write a
member function to calculate DA, HRA and PF depending on the grade. |
28 |
7 |
a C++ Program to create a class SHAPE which consists of two VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS
Calculate_Area() and Calculate_Perimeter() to calculate area and perimeter of
various figures. Derive three classes SQUARE, RECTANGLE, TRIANGE from class
Shape and Calculate Area and Perimeter of each class separately and display
the result. |
36 |
8 |
a C++ Program to create two classes each class consists of two private
variables, a integer and a float variable. Write member functions to get and
display them. Write a FRIEND Function common to both classes, which takes the
object of above two classes as arguments and the integer and float values of
both objects separately and display the result. |
40 |
9 |
a C++ Program using Function Overloading to read two Matrices of different
Data Types such as integers and floating point numbers. Find out the sum of
the above two matrices separately and display the sum of these arrays
individually. |
43 |
10 |
a C++ Program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not using
Pointers. |
49 |
11 |
a C++ Program to create a File and to display the contents of that file with
line numbers. |
51 |
12 |
a C++ Program to merge two files into a single file. |
57 |